Workshops & Next Classes

Proposed courses

Regularly, Frank Laporte-Adamski offers you courses (manual techniques and cooking classes).

Frank Laporte Adamski offers you to go further in learning the method by taking part of complete courses addressed to general public but also to professionals :

For the public

Cooking class to incorporate the concept of fast food and slow food: in the form of workshop from 1 to 3 days to receive treatment and eat 4 daily meals following the Adamski food adjustment.

For professionals

3-day course to learn the various techniques of abdominal massage and 2-day course for cranial technique.

Next workshop

Next workshop 3 days


Residenziale 3 giorni Adamski metodo: vito allogio e trattamenti.

  • 870€ a persona nella camera Doppia-Deluxe   Mountain.Paradise
  • €  per accompagnatore.

° 870€ per 3 notti  , tutto incluso


07-10 june 2024 per migliorare il transito intestinale e sgonfiare la pancia. Tema Digerisco

al prezzo di 870 € a persona per 3 notte  in camera doppia, all incluso, trattamenti ed accesso alla zona acqua e sauna, menù Adamski metodo by Theodor Falser chef stellato Michelin.

Il residenziale Adamski è una splendida occasione per vivere dei momenti di puro relax ed efficace " remise en forme" nell'affascinante cornice delle Dolomiti soggiornando nell'accogliente e lussuoso Engel Hotel.

Ci si propone in questa occasione di farvi apprezzare e comprendere gli abbinamenti alimentari del " Metodo Adamski®", ma rivisti e curati dall'abilità dello chef stellato Theodor Falser.

Oltre alle quotidiane manualità  sull'addome (TRA©) proposte ed effettuate dal Sig.r Adamski stesso, potrete godere di trattamenti , fuori pacchetto, mirati per ritrovare una forma smagliante e perfetta nel corpo, nella mente e.... nell'anima.  Il pacchetto Adamski di 4 giorni prevede :

3 manualità sull’addome /1 massaggio Engel agli aromi / ingresso nel mondo della Spa.

Next classes

Next lessons of the body and face


What does the Adamski® method propose?

A Manual Rebalancing Technique of the Abdomen: TRA ©

To be performed on clients, to help their digestive tract work better and start again!

This way you get a belly that deflates from the top to the bottom

This manual technique is learned with a course and is combined with other aesthetic treatments: poultices, pressotherapy, drainage, cold bands, lymphatic drainage, palper-rouler,.

The Adamski® method has developed a project on measures with the 3 months of the Adamski®method !!

Manipulation of the abdomen. It is a rebalancing technique that originates from fascia-pulsology, a distant cousin of osteopathy, and consists of a five-point maneuver carried out by means of light pressures capable of restoring the correct circulatory and energy flow.

Only trained and certified operators can perform it.

But what is fasciapulsology? The bands to which this discipline refers are thin membranes of connective tissue that envelop, support, protect and connect bones and muscles, bowels, nerves and blood vessels ... imagine them a bit like an immense spider's web!

Very sensitive to any form of stress, physical or psychological, these tissues tend to contract at any slightest aggression. Such contractions usually go unnoticed; at least as long as they become too many, they give rise to more or less serious diseases.

For example, if these contractions hinder circulation, the blood will not be able to feed the cells satisfactorily, and the body will suffer. Rebalancing the connective tissues through fasciapulsology, in that case, means working to harmonize arterio-venous circulation and, indirectly, lymphatic flow, and facilitate cellular exchanges.

By releasing the fasciae, the fasciapulsologist re-establishes the autonomic system, and therefore the metabolism!

It usually takes about four sessions to restore the proper physiological functioning of the abdomen, naturally combined with proper way of introducing the meals in the digest pipe.

TRA© Tecnica Riequilibrante dell'Addome metodo Adamski

iscrizione all’albo nazionale ASI N° 201910237. 4 giorni.

a Parigi : 

a Milano : 25-26 febbraio 2024 per il corpo;

a Treviso : 20-21 gennaio 2024 e 03-04 febbraio 2024

a Verona : 27-28 gennaio 2024 per il viso.

a Nyon (Suisse)03-04-05-06 Avril 2024 pour le corps

et 07-08 Avril pour le visage.

a Genève 26-27-28-29 mars 2024  pour le corps

    et 30-31 mars  pour le visage ;

a Domicilio da 3/5 allievi

totale 1100€ per i 4 giorni.

Brand Francise Adamski®


We have opened the "Franchising" of the Adamski® method at the Hotel Resort & Spa with Restaurant around the world; and to the fitness centers, beauty institutes, rehabilitation studios .... with exclusive areas!

The proposed manual sessions

In addition to the food adjustment, Frank Laporte-Adamski offers several types of manual techniques according to your needs.

  • analysis of your diet on a daily basis
  • the fundamentals of the Adamski method
  • the golden rules for your food hygiene
Contact us
  • handedness on the abdomen
  • reflex technique
  • aromatherapy
  • body handedness
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  • technique in 6 points
  • improve legs circulation
  • promotes venous return
Contact us
  • the sympathicotherapy
  • cranial handedness
Contact us